Metro de Medellín

Metro Culture is the construction of civic culture framed by own-respect, respect for others, and respect for urban furnishing encouraging people to live in harmony, proper behavior, solidarity, system use norm compliance, and proper use of the spaces ...

Ever since the beginning of its commercial operation, Medellin Metro has been consolidated as one of Aburrá Valley's icons and as a citizens' integrator. This is mainly due to the fact that Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá Ltda., the ...

The worst disability is when you do not want to do something,” said Giovany Higuita, one of METRO’s educational guides, when he was showing how to use the electrical-mechanic platforms and elevators that the Municipality of Medellín and Empresa de ...

The train, streetcar and the cable cars are powered by electricity that in Colombia is generated at hydroelectric facilities, while busses are powered by natural gas therefore, we epowered by natural gas; therefore, we stay away from using fossil fuels ...
Metro Culture is the construction of civic culture framed by own-respect, respect for others, and respect for urban furnishing encouraging people to ...