Good Governance Code

The Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá Limitada -Metro de Medellín Ltda Good Governance Code includes the principles, values, and practices used by the Company to preserve corporate ethics, guarantee management transparency, administrate its operations, and acknowledge and respect the rights of its affiliates, customers, and other interested parties.
Likewise, it includes the Company governance mechanisms, conduct mechanisms, and information mechanisms aimed at ensuring trust in company management and facilitating harmonious company development. The governance practices stated in the Good Governance Code, more than addressing the laws and regulations that govern industrial and commercial municipal public companies and dictating applicable legal provisions, they complement the provisions in Metro de Medellín Ltda Statutes and define the action framework of Company affiliates, Board of Directors, General Manager, Chief Officers, and public servants, as well as the mechanisms to verify their compliance.
The Good Governance Code is structured based on the principles and the reference framework developed by the Confecámaras Corporate Governance Program for Colombia.
It must be pointed out that when citing laws, decrees, resolutions, and other laws and regulations in the Good Governance Code, it is understood that, in the future, any modifications, additions or substitutions made to said laws and regulations will be applied.