Sebastián Hinestroza Arango
Appointed by the Presidency of the Republic
Business Administrator, in charge of planning, organizing, directing, executing and controlling the course of the organizations under his charge, aligned with the legal framework in force, in the areas of marketing and sales, finance, operations and logistics, talent management, technology and information systems.
Specialist in Project Management, with the capacity to create and innovate in management models, in accordance with sustainable development, social responsibility and human development, aimed at improving the quality of life of the communities.
More than twelve (12) years of administrative, technical and professional experience as assistant, manager, coordinator, director, technical, financial and general manager in the areas of supervision and construction of various infrastructure, industrial and building projects in the public and private sectors, carried out in Colombia.
More than 6 years of experience as an entrepreneur, leading the companies Megaproyecto Vial Siglo XXI SAS, HR Constructora SAS and Castellón Ingeniería SAS, as well as the different companies formed for the execution of the developed contracts.
Innovative, visionary, flexible to change, adaptability to market changes, results oriented, expert in business models and the use of tools for strategic management, project management; good communication skills, decision making, and charismatic in the management of human capital.