Medellin on the table
Throughout the length and breadth of our city-region we can find restaurants and food stalls that honor the paisa gastronomy. However, there are places that are characterized by having the best (not necessarily the most expensive) places to taste a dish in Medellin.
Main places to visit

Calle de la Buena Mesa (Manila)
Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Lleras Park
Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Milla de Oro
Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Mercado del Río
Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Carrera 70
Nearest stations to reach this destination:gar a este destino:

Nutibara Avenue
Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Calle de la Buena Mesa (Envigado)
Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Food Place Containers Envigado
Nearest stations to reach this destination:
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