Estado de las líneas Conoce nuestras líneas y sus estados

History, memory and resilience

To learn about the history and beginnings of what used to be the great Villa de Aburrá and the first two centuries of Medellín, there's no better place than Comuna 10 - La Candelaria, in the central-eastern part of the city. Its churches, buildings, streets, squares and parks tell the story of how this place was the social, cultural, economic and financial hub of Medellín of yesteryear.

Metro - Museo

Main places to visit


Basilica of Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Parque berrío - Line A

Metropolitan Cathedral

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Prado - Line A
Routes c6009 - c6010 - c6014

Ermita de La Veracruz church

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Parque berrío - Line A
Route c6010

San Benito church

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Parque berrío - Line A
Cisneros - Line B
Cisneros stop - Line 1
Minorista stop - Line 1

San Antonio church

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Alpujarra - Line A
San Antonio - Line A
San Antonio - Line B
San Antonio - Line T
San José - Line T

Coltejer building

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Parque berrío - Line A
La Playa stop - Line 2
Route C6010

Nutibara Hotel

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Parque berrío - Line A
Route c6010
plaza botero

Plaza Botero

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Parque berrío - Line A
Route c6010
Metro - Museum of antioquia

Museum of Antioquia

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Parque berrío - Line A
Route c6010
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Rafael Uribe Uribe Palace of Culture

 Nearest stations to reach this destination:
Parque berrío - Line A
Route c6010

Antioquia railway station

Nearest stations to reach this destination:
Alpujarra - Line A
Plaza Mayor stop - Line 1

Casa de la Memoria Museum

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Bicentenario stop - Line T
Routes c6010 - c6005 - c6005a - c6007

Inflexion memorial park

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Aguacatala - Line A
Route c3001 - c3001A

El Castillo Museum

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

Aguacatala - Line A

Comuna 13 and its ‘Graffitour’

Nearest stations to reach this destination:

San Javier - Line B
San Javier - Line j
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