Judicial and administrative notifications
In compliance with Presidential Directive number 5, 2012, published in Official Gazette No. 48,504 of July 27, 2012, METRO informs that the email for sending judicial notifications is notificacionesjudiciales@metrodemedellin.gov.co.
If you require more information about Medellin Metro System and its services, or if you wish to express your suggestions, complaints and/or claims, please remember to express them through our customer service contact channels.

Notifications by notice
In case that personal notification cannot be made, it must be made by notice. In any case, for further information, please contact the Company's Legal Department at 4548600.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 127 of Law 1952 of 2019, by means of this Edict we proceed to notify Mr. Juan Camilo Tamayo Isaza of the decision to open a disciplinary investigation, issued by the Disciplinary Investigations Group of Medellin Metro System. The foregoing, in view of the fact that to date the employee has not shown up at that work group, despite having been sent different summons and communications to the institutional e-mail address, to his work place through internal correspondence and to the last address of residence registered in the Company.
As part of the actions being carried out for the acquisition of land in the San Luis and Concilio Vaticano II sectors, the Resolution was issued by which the census and socioeconomic diagnosis was adopted to identify the population to be intervened in the area of influence within the framework of the public utility and social interest project of the Ayacucho Avenue Corridor and its Feeder Cables.