Institutional policies

Management policies
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) is a legally regulated entity in the different fields of its management, which directly affects its development, administration, projection and strategic vision. development, administration, projection and strategic vision; for this reason, it pays primary attention to the knowledge, analysis, application, disclosure, follow-up and compliance with the responsibilities expressed in the legal norms and governmental policies, as well as in the commitments it assumes on a voluntary basis.
Integrated management policy
"At Metro we work to achieve our higher Purpose, committed to fulfilling our MEGA and guided by our corporate values."
Information and Personal Data Processing Policy
In line with the commitment to comply with the Personal Data Protection Regime, contained in Law 1581 of 2012 and its complementary rules; Medellin Metro System has an Information and Personal Data Treatment Policy, through which the general parameters under which the Company manages and treats the personal data belonging to the databases for which it is responsible are established company manages and treats the personal data belonging to the databases for which it holds the quality of Responsible, making clear the rights of the Holders, the channels through which they can submit queries or claims, the treatments to which their data will be subjected and the purposes of these, among others. The full text of this Policy is published on the Company's website.
Public policy on administrative transparency and probity
This policy was adopted by the Company through Resolution 5266 of 2009 and is established in Agreement No. 65 of 2008 of the Council of Medellín and regulated in the Municipal Regulatory Decree No. 166 of 2009; which aims to improve the democracy of social control, increase its levels of efficiency, produce public information that allows citizens to understand how public resources are allocated and stimulate the value of honesty as a fundamental premise for building the common good. Resolution 5266 of 2009 was amended by Resolution 8050 of August 20, 2015.
Road safety policy
This policy was adopted by the Company through Resolution 0100 of January 31, 2019, which integrates the Road Safety Committee, in compliance with Law 1503 of 2011, which defines the general guidelines in corporate social responsibility, to promote in people the formation of habits, behaviors and safe behaviors on the road.
Medellin Metro System declares its commitment to contribute to increase the Culture of Safe Mobility in Valle de Aburrá. In order to comply with this policy, the Company is committed to:
- Comply with existing regulations related to road safety.
- To comply with the preventive and corrective maintenance programs for the vehicle fleet.
- Promote the improvement of passenger transportation processes ensuring compliance with applicable requirements.
- To strive for the continuous improvement of actions aimed at eliminating or mitigating risks associated with road safety.
Occupational health and safety policy
This policy was adopted by the Company through Resolution 9006 of November 18, 2016, complying with Decree 1072 of 2015, which compiles all of the rules of the different existing regulations to be able to establish an Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SG-SST).
The Company enacts the commitment to safety and care, through one of its corporate values, this guideline guides the incorporation and effective commitment to the culture of health care for employees, contractors and visitors, through the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the management system of safety and health at work, for this it is committed to:
- Recognize hazard identification, risk analysis and control during the execution of our activities, as a fundamental corporate dynamic to ensure proper planning, mitigation and monitoring of risks, for the prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses.
- Identify and abide by the legal requirements applicable in each workplace, including the relevant voluntary commitments that have been established.
- Incorporate the culture of health care in each of the processes and operations that promote a quality of life, whether our own or that of third parties.
- To recognize within the organizational culture, self-care as a fundamental attitude for the transformation of work environments.
- Align occupational health and safety performance with organizational strategic challenges, staff responsibilities and process productivity needs.
- To ensure the culture of prevention and control of tobacco, alcohol and psychoactive substances consumption in the Company, contributing to the physical and mental wellbeing of people.
- Ensure and strengthen permanently the consultation and participation of workers at all levels and actions for the improvement of the OSH management system.
- Ensure knowledge, risk management and disaster management as an integral strategy of the Company's risk management.
Document management policy
This policy is included in the Company's Document Management Program (PGD), which was adopted by Resolution 9147 of December 30, 2016.
Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá Ltda., promotes the administration and preservation of the archival documents that constitute the documentary heritage, through the organization and proper management of the files in their life cycle, in order to contribute to competitiveness, transparency and knowledge management, supported by processes, procedures and information technologies necessary to ensure the conservation and preservation of the institutional memory of the Company.
Operational safety policy
This policy was adopted by the Company in 2016, with the implementation of the Operational Safety Management System (SMS) Safety Management System. Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) is committed to:
- Generate a positive and fair safety culture.
- Effectively integrate human, organizational and technical factors, promoting operational discipline at all levels of the Company to comply with applicable requirements.
- To measure the results of operational safety, in order to achieve organizational objectives and strategy.
- To control operational risks in internal activities and promote the implementation of operational safety in the services provided by critical contractors that apply.
- Continuously improve operational safety performance.
- Comply with operational safety parameters in all applicable project phases.
- Work on Operational Safety at all levels of the organization.
- Continually strengthen the reporting of operational safety events, maintaining confidentiality and anonymity.
Environmental management policy
This policy was adopted in compliance with Decree 1076 of 2015, which regulates all standards associated with the environmental sector, as well as NTC ISO 14001:2015.
The Company as one of the actors of sustainable mobility in the region, responsibly manages each of the natural resources involved in the operation of the system. It seeks to promote and manage sustainability from the corporate strategy, through the implementation of initiatives that focus on continuous improvement of environmental performance in harmony with social management and economic balance. To this end, the Company is committed to:
- Make use of the natural resources required for the operation of the system under the concepts of cleaner production and eco-efficiency, acting proactively to control, prevent, mitigate, compensate and enhance the environmental impacts generated by the provision of the service.
- Incorporate climate change management in the Company in terms of adaptation and mitigation, according to the guidelines established in the national climate change policy and according to commitments made at COP21. Contributing to the atmospheric decontamination of Valle de Aburrá with the promotion, construction and operation of transportation corridors with clean technology.
- To promote the acquisition of goods and services under the concept of sustainable public procurement, in accordance with the National Policy on Sustainable Production and Consumption, fostering a culture of sustainable consumption and productive transformation.
- Promote sustainable construction for the infrastructure projects developed by the Company.
- Ensure compliance with legal and other requirements and compliance with voluntary commitments acquired in the area of environmental management.
- Promote among stakeholders a culture of care and protection of natural resources, good environmental practices and awareness of the current state of environmental impacts generated.
- Participate with different institutions for the preservation of ecologically important areas.
Climate change policy
At the international level, approximately 195 countries, through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Conference of the Parts COP21, address the issue of climate change, under this scheme, commitments are established for Colombia in adaptation and mitigation and in this same international context, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations are established. Of the seventeen goals defined, No. 13 corresponds to Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects. In this order of ideas, all public and private sectors of society must contribute to the fulfillment of the commitments acquired with respect to climate change.
The Company's climate change policy is aligned with the National Climate Change Policy with the aim of making Colombia a resilient and low-carbon country, and the commitments made by the Company will be aligned at the regional level with the Regional Climate Change Node of Antioquia and at the local level with the Development Plan of the Municipality of Medellin.
The Company incorporates climate change management in the corporate strategy and contributes through the implementation of best practices to counteract the phenomenon of climate change in the administrative and operational activities defined in the operation of the system, these practices will be focused on the ability to adapt (accommodate or recover from the effects) and mitigate (reduce greenhouse gas emissions) climate change.
In addition to the environmental responsibility acquired by the system, the inclusion of actions that respond to risk prevention and adaptation to the impacts of climate change will be promoted, and plans and projects to expand the system to mitigate GHG atmospheric emissions in the region will be considered.
International Supply Chain Security Management Policy
This policy is prepared in accordance with the Authorized Economic Operator requirements established in Decrees 3568 of 2011 and 1894 of 2015, it was adopted through DR1245 International Supply Chain Security Management Policy.
This policy includes the Company's guidelines regarding the management of the International Supply Chain Security, applying to the Bello (Antioquia) facilities and has scope over the different types of contracts involved in the International Supply Chain.
"We are committed to the protection, security and care of the Company's processes, people, facilities and information through the management of International Supply Chain Security. To this end, we foster an environment of continuous improvement, in which the objectives and goals are reviewed and updated in accordance with current applicable legislation and the Company's identification and comprehensive treatment of risks".
Information security and privacy policy
This policy was approved by the Digital Government Policy Table, on August 20, 2021, in compliance with Decree 1499 of 2017: Integrated Planning and Management System and updating of the model for its implementation, called "Integrated Planning and Management Model -MIPG", within which it finds the implementation of the Digital Government Policy.
Medellin Metro System, through its Information Security and Privacy Policy, is committed to ensuring the security and privacy of data and information generated within the organization and received from interest groups. To this end, it establishes guidelines aimed at mitigating the risks associated with information assets, through the creation and implementation of initiatives that promote the responsible use of information and technological resources, the adoption of best practices and the generation of an organizational culture of information security that involves interest groups.
Zero paper policy
This policy was approved in the Institutional Management and Performance Committee, under minute 10 of December 30, 2020, in compliance with Presidential Directive 04 of 2012. Medellin Metro System adopts the Zero Paper Policy in order to establish guidelines aimed at reducing paper consumption, through the creation and implementation of initiatives that promote the strategic use of technologies, the adoption of good practices in Document Management and the generation of an organizational culture that involves all employees and contractors.
Information Technology Policy
This policy was approved by the Digital Government Policy Table, on September 14, 2021, in compliance with Decree 1499 of 2017: Integrated Planning and Management System and updating of the model for its implementation, called "Integrated Planning and Management Model -MIPG", within which it finds the implementation of the Digital Government Policy, where one of its components is the Architecture Enabler which in turn comprises the Architecture Reference Framework and one of its elements is the IT Management and Governance Model. Due to the above, it is necessary to define the Information Technology Policy as a fundamental input of this action model.
In Medellin Metro System, the management of information technology services is carried out contemplating the life cycle of the technology, services and infrastructure involved, their use and appropriation, integration and relationship with third parties and corporate projects involving information technology, which allow satisfying the current and future needs of stakeholders, aligned with the MEGA and the Superior Purpose.
Asset Management Policy
This policy was approved by the General Manager in a Management Committee on December 6, 2021, in compliance with the requirements established in the NTC ISO 55001 Asset Management version 2015. Likewise, it contributes to the fulfillment of the strategic objective of the five-year period 2021 - 2025 Strengthen Asset Management, within the perspective of Processes and Innovation.
We manage assets during their life cycle, generating value through a balance between risk, cost and performance, maximizing their profitability, complying with current regulations, always within the framework of our Metro Culture, taking care of people, the environment and contributing to the Company's higher purpose.
To this end, the Company undertakes to:
- Incorporate the cost of the asset's life cycle in each of its stages: Identify need and specify, create or acquire, operate and maintain and disincorporate, for cross-cutting decision making related to asset investments.
- Comply with the project management methodologies established in the Company in the projects generated in any of the stages of the asset's life cycle.
- Incorporate methods, practices and technologies that drive innovation and continuous improvement in asset management.
- Articulate the necessary resources for effective asset management.
- Contribute to the safety of people by minimizing incidents or accidents through asset lifecycle management.
- Maintain updated technical, financial and legal information on assets.
- Measure asset management performance by means of indicators.
- Enhance people's capabilities in asset management.
Risk Management Policy
This policy was adopted by Board Resolution No. JD-178 of November 24, 2021, in compliance with Decree 1499 of 2017 and its articulation to the Management System within the framework of the Integrated Planning and Management Model - MIPG Medellin Metro System updates its policy for risk management, with the purpose of continuing to systematically manage its risks and opportunities to protect its value, contribute to its continuity and facilitate the achievement of its objectives from the minimization of losses and accidents.
The purpose of risk management is to provide elements for decision making and contribute to the continuity of the Company by minimizing losses and accidents, as well as maximizing opportunities, through the effective management and control of risks that may impact strategy, processes, contracts, projects and the life cycle of assets.
In this regard, the specific purposes of risk management are:
- To identify, analyze, assess and monitor the risks associated with the Company's strategic direction and its macro processes.
- Strengthen the risk management culture in all personnel of the Company and its contractors.
- Maintain the direction of risk management towards the achievement of objectives, adding value as a tool for decision making.
- Integrate process management with risk management and internal control.
- Structuring and leading improvements to methodologies and criteria for the identification, evaluation and treatment of risks throughout the Company.
- Specify the responsibilities of the Board of Directors and all Company employees with regard to risk management.
Innovation and knowledge policy
This policy is adopted in compliance with NTC ISO 5801:2018, and was approved in the Management Committee held on January 31, 2022. In Medellin Metro System we are a team of people who, under the precepts of the Metro Culture, my relationship with myself, with others and with the environment "We do new things and find new ways to do them, building collaboratively and openly, to contribute to the fulfillment of the MEGA and the creation of value and sustainability".
This policy is adopted in compliance with NTC ISO 5801:2018, and was approved at the Management Committee meeting held on January 31, 2022.
In Medellin Metro System we are a team of people who, under the precepts of the Metro Culture, my relationship with myself, with others and with the environment "We do new things and find new ways to do them, building in a collaborative and open way, to contribute to the fulfillment of the MEGA and the creation of value and sustainability".
To this end, we are committed to managing innovation and the Company's corporate knowledge through of the Company, through:
- To enhance the Company's innovative capacity through knowledge management and the creation of solutions that contribute to the fulfillment of the strategy and sustainability.
- Promoting the use of innovation as a tool for growth and survival.
- Incorporation of current regulations.
- The availability of the required resources.
- Training of personnel to ensure the use of innovation tools, strategic vigilance and protection of knowledge assets, as well as to increase innovative work and adequate knowledge management.
- The provision of spaces for internal and external collaborative creation and knowledge sharing, in order to promote the generation and management of projects with a high innovative component.
- The generation and implementation of strategies for awareness, communication, motivation, recognition and evaluation of staff performance in innovation and knowledge management.
- Strengthening value networks for the generation of solutions from social innovation.
- Collaboration with the ecosystem to promote open innovation and the generation and empowerment of knowledge in the city-region.
- Continuous improvement in the management of the corporate innovation system.
Policy for investment portfolio management and cash flow hedging
This policy was approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on May 26, 2021, whose approval is recorded in the Board Minutes No. 499 and the details of the same are documented in DR1376 Policy for investment portfolio management and cash flow hedging, attached to the Treasury Management process.
Its objective is to establish the guidelines and directives for the optimal management of the liquidity surpluses of Medellin Metro System, based on criteria of transparency, profitability, soundness and security. Both the investment policy and the cash flow coverage seek to optimize financial management in terms of risk, profitability and liquidity and at the same time protect and preserve the portfolio according to the company's conservative risk profile, in compliance with both the regulatory framework and the principles established in the policy.
Work disconnection policy
This policy is adopted in compliance with Law 2191 of 2022, and was approved by the General Manager (E) in a Management Committee meeting held on July 5, 2022, whose approval is recorded in Minute No. 24.
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) - Medellin Metro System. in compliance with Law 2191 of 2022 and committed to the welfare of its employees, seeking a balance between their personal and work life, states that it will refrain from issuing orders or other requirements that imply the response or execution by the employee outside working hours, except in special situations.
Likewise, it shall ensure that employees can effectively and fully enjoy their rest time, leaves, leaves of absence, vacations and their personal and family life.
All Metro employees who consider that their right to labor disengagement and the aforementioned policy have been affected may resort to the mechanisms for the protection of the right to labor disengagement established in DH041 Procedure to manage the effective right to labor disengagement.
Intellectual Property Policy
This policy was adopted by Resolution 0667 of 2018, which establishes the intellectual property regulations of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá), in order to establish the framework of reference of the intellectual property management system in relation to the identification, protection, management, use and transfer of intellectual property rights of Metro de Medellín Ltda. associated with its research, development, innovation, entrepreneurship and business management activities. All of the above, within the national and international regulatory framework applicable to the subject.