Investigation, development and innovation (I+D+I)
When the city began to crystallize its metro transportation system, it also embarked on its journey towards innovation, through the discovery, construction and strengthening of a system that, even today, is completely new to the country. The most important milestones in these more than 23 years of operation have been:
- With the support of universities, he was able to create the first corporation with university students to drive the trains.
- It has generated models for the projection of corridors that interconnect the city and expand the system.
- It has boosted the development of marginalized sectors of the city.
It has created a new civic culture, which it called Metro Culture.

Corporate innovation system: We believe, we create, we innovate!
Purpose: "We are a team of people doing new things and finding new ways to do them, building in a collaborative and open environment, to contribute to the fulfillment of MEGA, value creation and sustainability".
Components: To give a new impetus to innovation in the Company, the Investigation, Development and Innovation area was created in 2013, giving rise to the need to generate the Corporate Innovation System, under which we act today and which is cemented on X pillars aimed at enhancing the integral vision and innovative spirit of its personnel and directs them to build outstanding results together.

These pillars are:
Meetings are held with the communities to gather the community's concerns and proposals, as well as to confront the image and expectations of the citizens regarding the Company's actions.
With the layout of the innovation room located at the Hospital station.
To offer our developments support through rigorous research on trends and best practices worldwide.
- Strategies and a tool, IdeCo
- Collaborative Ideas, to enhance the co-creation and management of ideas. Prototyping and testing the ideas proposed by the platform and those that are built to meet the specific needs of the areas.
- Administration of the Intellectual Property program. To date, we have more than 75 trademark registrations, 5 patents granted in Colombia, X abroad, 1 industrial design protection, 2 patent applications in process and we are analyzing the viability of intellectual property protection for 10 new developments.
- Homologation and Replacement Program. Through reverse engineering we increase the useful life of new equipment and tools.
- Recarga verde (green recharge) program. In which the user is offered a new socially and environmentally sustainable recharge option.
- Citizen Information Center Project. Allowing the user to be permanently informed about the status of the service, Metro Culture and corporate issues of interest, through monitors and screens inside and outside the system.
- Experiential Metro App Project. A complement to the Citizen Information Center, expanding its services from the user's external location.- Solutions for driver training. Through the creation of the tram driving simulator and the train driving emulator.
- Modernization of first generation trains. Investigation and development to extend the useful life of trains - Modernization of signaling. Investigation and development to offer a higher frequency of service.
Systematically seeking to enhance the social impact of our innovative projects.
Recognition of innovation

Second place in the country among the brands with the most "energy", due to its communication, vision, differentiation, innovation and dynamism, according to Goodbrand 2011.

First public company in the country in innovation and customer service, seventh place among the most responsible companies and one of the most admired and with the best service quality, according to Datexco's Élite Empresarial survey, 2013. Source: Acknowledgements.

Most Innovative City in the World 2013 Award (Metro as an actor included in this recognition) - The metro and its integration. Its transportation system articulated with the Metro was key. The city has two metrocables (in Comuna 13 and Santo Domingo), integrated to the train as well as they did with the Metroplús (articulated buses with natural gas), which has three transfer stations to the metro. These three transportation systems reduce 175,000 tons of CO2 per year. Source: Innovation takes Medellín to the top of the world.

Innovators of America Award 2014 - Metrocable as the most outstanding innovation project in Latin America. The proposal was chosen in the category of Social Development. Source: Metrocable awarded as social innovation.

"Nobel Prize for Cities" (Lee Kuan Yew World City 2014) - Honorable mention for Medellín for creative and unconventional urban solutions such as the first metrocable system for daily use. Source: Medellín wins the "Nobel Prize for Cities".

First public company in the country in innovation and customer service, seventh place among the most responsible companies and one of the most admired and with the best service quality, according to Datexco's Élite Empresarial survey, 2013. Source: Acknowledgements